Site du Site du collège Mariotti du vice-rectorat de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
Rubrique: Accueil > Projets, clubs et options > Les options > La LCE (Langue et Culture Etrangère) > Les travaux des LCE 2022.

Le texte de Loan et Naomie.

Their names are Amelia and Madi Russel. They are from New Zealand. They came to New Caledonia for a sailing competition. They were staying at Casa Del Sole for 10 days. They arrived in New Caledonia on Wednesday 5th October and returned to New Zealand on Friday 14th October. This was their first trip to New Caledonia. They came to Mariotti Junior High School for a visit .

Amelia and Madi live in Auckland with their sisters and parents. Amelia was born in two thousand and eight. She is fourteen years old and Madi is thirteen. She often smiles. Their favorite subject is Physical Education. In their favorite subject it’s football that they like to do the most. They’ve got blond hair and blue eyes.

Their college is very different from Mariotti College. At Amelia’s college there isn’t a canteen, the same at Madi’s college, the students bring their lunch box to school. The sport fields used by the students belong to the college. Amelia learns French in her college.
In New Zealand colleges there isn’t educational adviser or supervisor but the teachers watch them. In the colleges of New Zealand the lowest class is the year 7 and the highest one is year 13. In their college they have uniforms and they have school on Wednesday afternoons. There is a pool in their college. It was so cool when they came !!


Mise à jour : 7 décembre 2022